Game Design Text

Reading text is probably the most used form of self education used by game designers. It is very important for game designers to be reading a lot because he can learn a lot of new techniques and concepts through reading.

There are many different types of text documents such as: articles, PDF files, books, e-books, cheat sheets, etc.

You can read more about articles in our Game Design Articles page. You can also read more about books in our Game Design Books page.

PDF files are commonly used for tutorials. They are also used in a similar form to articles, where the PDF will explain a specific subject. The difference between PDFs and articles is that PDF files are downloadable while articles are only for reading.

Here is a list of useful text resources:

  • Our website has some digital resources which you can take a look, which some are text.
  • There’s printed resources on our website for you to check it out.
  • If you want to learn more about Unity, you can take a look at some of their tutorials, with many of them having a PDF format.
  • If you’re just starting out with Game Maker, try taking a look at the official tutorials. These should help you become a better game designer.

Know any good game design text documents? Please send us a message!

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