Game Design Assets Page Is Up!

Our Game Design Assets page is now up! There you can read more about what kind of assets game designers use to create games, to better understand which ones you’ll need to use in your projects and also there’s a list os assets which you may be a useful resource. To find the page in our menu you...

Game Design Forums Page Is Up!

Our Game Design Forums page is up! There you can find more information about forums and a list of various game design forums. There are forums which deal with game design in general, others which deal with specific areas of game design and other which discuss about a specific subject within an area of game...

Understand Games Before Joining A Game Design Team

{To read the first part of this post, go to How To Start Creating Games} One mistake a lot of begginers do when they’re just starting with game design is that they try to immediately team up with some friends or with people in the internet to create games when they never created or even tried...

How to Start Creating Games

If you’re just starting with game design and have a game which you want to create, a good way to know if you can accomplish it or not is to ask yourself “Can one person finish this game?”. If the answer is no, then the project is too big. You can either reduce the scope of the game (create...

Game Design Videos Page Is Now Up!

Our Game Design Videos page is now up! I personally tend to learn more if the content is being teaching visually and there is many ways to do this. One way is by speaking in a way that the person who is learning will use his imagination to try to visualize, usually this can be achieved with  metaphors,...

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